The Premier Group of Companies conducts its business properly and fairly. The Group has core values that have been practiced throughout by all its employees of honesty, responsibility and commitment to work, discipline, unity, sacrifice and ongoing development. These values are considered the ethics and morality of the Group which have been practiced continuously.

          In compliance with the principles of good corporate governance and as a clear guideline for the good conduct of its employees, the Premier Group of Companies has compiled a code of conduct based on the Group's core values for use of its executives and employees as the guiding principles in conducting their work as follows:


1. Fulfill the requirements of the customers/consumers with products and services
    that are of quality, standard and safe.

2. Provide complete and accurate information about the products and  services without
    distorting facts.

3. Provide warranties of products and services with appropriate terms.
4. Strictly comply with terms and conditions made to customers.
5. Notify the customers immediately in advance in the case of inability to fulfill any
    agreement made with customers in order to jointly find solutions to the problem
    and prevent damages.

6. Strive to maintain production costs at a minimum whilst ensuring that the quality
    standard of the products and services are maintained at all times.

7. Organize mechanisms and customer service systems that allow customers
    to contact the company easily and quickly.

8. Maintain customers' sensitive information and customer information.

1. Conduct mutual business fairly without exploitation, and honor and comply with the
    conditions stipulated in the contracts. In the case of inability to fulfill any agreement, 
    negotiations immediately be made in advance with the business partner or creditor to 
    jointly find solutions to the problem and prevent damages.
2. Do not solicit, accept or give any undue benefits in dealing with business partners or 
    creditors. If there is any information regarding the bestowment of any undue benefits, 
    consultations must be made with the business partners or creditors to mutually resolve 
    the matter on a fair and timely basis.

1. Compete under the rules of fair competition.
2. Do not seek confidential information of the business competitors through dishonest or 
    illegal means.
3. Do not discredit competitors through slandering or any other actions without the truth 
    and unjustifiably.

1. Perform duties with integrity and make decisions with honesty, transparency and benefit
    to the Company and its shareholders.
2. Perform duties by applying knowledge and management skills to the maximum for the 
    benefit to the Company and its shareholders.
3. Supervise and manage any asset of the Company to prevent unreasonable depreciation 
    or wrongful loss. 
4. Report on the status and results of operations of the Company completely and
5. Refrain from seeking personal gains for oneself or related parties by exploiting any 
    information of the Company that has not been disclosed to the public. 
6. Refrain from divulging any confidential information of the Company to outsiders,
to competitors.
7. Refrain from any action that might cause conflicts of interest with the Company without
notifying the Company.

1. Refrain from any actions that will damage the natural resources or the environment. 
2. Support activities that are beneficial to communities and society as a whole.
3. Comply with or supervise the compliance with laws and regulations issued by regulatory
4. Attend to and resolve the public's fear of any danger that may be caused by the
products/services or operations.
5. Refrain from supporting or participating in any transactions with third parties that may
society or the environment.

1. Perform duties with responsibility, integrity and perseverance for the progress
    and stability of the Company and the employees themselves.
2. Perform duties diligently, as well as seek ways to constantly develop and improve
    work efficiency.
3. Strictly comply with the Company's policies and regulations.
4. Jointly forge and maintain unity and solidarity among employees, work together,
    and solve problems as an effective team.
5. Use the Company's assets for the maximum benefit of the Company and ensure
    no damage or loss of these assets, as well as refrain from using the Company's
    assets for personal benefit or the benefit of other persons.
6. Refrain from any action that infringes the intellectual property rights of the Company
    or others, including the use of pirated software in the Company.
7. Secure the Company's confidential information by cautiously protecting all confidential
    documents and information of the Company against any leakage or usage by non-related
    persons that may cause damages to the Company.
8. Refrain from disclosing or exploiting any information that is confidential business
    information of the Company's, which includes the production formula, production
    process, and important business information and news of the Company that must
    be concealed from other persons by any means whatsoever. 
9. Provide care and assistance in maintaining work safety and good work environment.
10. Inform relevant agencies or the management if there is any misconduct or illegal
      action within the Company, including the possession or use of drugs.
11. Do not exploit ones' authority or permit others to exploit their authority to wrongfully
      seek personal gains for oneself or for others.
12. Refrain from any act that causes damage to the Company's image and reputation.

1. Provide assistance and support to each other for the benefit of the work and the
    working environment of the Company as a whole and respect the rights of other
    employees within the same company.
2. Supervisors must make themselves respectable to the subordinates, strictly comply
    with policies and regulations, be a role model for the subordinates and administer the
    subordinates with principles and reasons that are righteous.
3. Treat supervisors with respect and treat colleagues with kindness and good human
    relationship.Do not defame supervisors and colleagues without actual evidence.
4. Honor others by not claiming ownership of their work.

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